There are 4 levels our writers can Achieve. The higher the level, the more money they will make per word. Although we pay per piece, we broke down a price per word for better comparison.
Tier 1
3.6 cents a word with limited availability for 500 word articles.
Tier 2
6 cents a word with more opportunity at 500 and 600 word articles
Tier 3
7 cents a word for 700 word blogs and more writing opportunities.
Tier 4
10 cents a word for 500, 800 and 1,000 word onsite articles.
How to move up Tier levels
You can move up Tier levels by providing filler free, informative and helpful content. The more editing our editors have to make the less likely you will move up a Tier level.
How does the Star rating help me?
The star rating is a way for writers to see how well they are doing. We also use it to determine if a writer can move up a Tier level.
You need to average above a 4 star rating to advance a level.
Anything below a 3 star rating will be rejected for the writer to rewrite.
- 3 star rating means we had to make significant changes to fix the article.
- 4 star ratings means we had to make minimal changes to fix the article.
- 5 star rating means we made little to no changes to the article.
Our editors provide feedback to the writers to help them improve the content. By following their information, hopefully, the writers will improve their writing.
Tips to being a better writer
- You should spend time research topic. For example, a 500 word blog should take 2.5 hrs to complete. 30 -45 minutes of research. 1 hour to write the content and 1 hour to edit and improve the content.
- Filler content is unacceptable. Adding content for the sake of adding content is not allowed. All content needs to be informative and helpful.
- Any plagiarism or use of AI content will cause your account to be immediately terminated.
- Take the advice and information provided by our editors. It’s valuable information that will help you be a better writer.